- Graceland & Arkansas
- Route 66 & Cadillac Ranch
- The Musical Road & The Petrified Forest
- Winslow Arizona & The Meteor Hole
- Hiking Grand Canyon In Ice
- Grand Canyon to Silver City Next Mexico
- Gila Cliff Dwellings
- Carlsbad Caverns
- Texas Ranch & Fort Worth Stock Yards
- Vicksburg & Civil War Iron Clad
- Hidden Civil War Cemetery
- Bad Lands National Park
- Mount Rushmore & Sunday Gulch Trail
- Crazy Horse & Custer State Park
- South Dakota & Wyoming
- Yellowstone-Old Faithful
- Grand Teton National Park-Jenny Lake
- Wyoming to Kalispell
- Glacier National Park-Going To The Sun Road
- Glacier National Park-Logans Pass
- Glacier National Park
- Eastern Montana
- North Dakota